July – December: A Photographic Review of the Year in the Garden, Part 2.

Waterford, southeast Ireland, 9th. January 2021

It is that time of year when we look backward with fondness and forward in hope and, when the garden is presently bare, it is encouraging to view again the days when it was full and lush, when the sun shone and all looked fresh and alive. Those days will come again but we can only enjoy them through our photographs at the moment.

The photographs for each month are organised as a series of slideshows so click on the arrows to go through the shots.







I’m sharing this blog with a group of fellow bloggers who contribute to a “Six on Saturday” theme which is hosted by “The Propagator” on his blog site. To read more contributions to the Six on Saturday theme go to The Propagator’s entry for today, scroll down to the comments and you will find other bloggers have posted links to their Saturday entries there. Lots to read!

44 thoughts on “July – December: A Photographic Review of the Year in the Garden, Part 2.

  1. What a glorious garden you have, Paddy. i see you called yourself a ‘keen amateur gardener’, but your garden is so perfectly beautiful you must have the greenest of green thumbs.

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  2. I thought the first 6 months were good, but some of these were even better in full flower. I am going to look out for the rose ‘For your eyes only’ as I love the colour and flower shape. I think I already have one from the series called ‘Tiger eye’ which is yellowy with a touch of pink in the centre and a very slight scent.

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  3. Stunning photo diary of your beautiful garden. I had a look this morning but can’t find any snowdrops in their usual places. Every year they take me by surprise and appear in new places, at least it seems like that! 🤔

    Liked by 1 person

    1. If we get a few mild days I’ll have a lot of snowdrops in flower as there are snouts everywhere at the moment but it is so cold.


    1. Thank you very much for your kind comments. I dither with selection, rarely getting down to what I consider an acceptable number but, I suppose, that’s not the worst complaint.


  4. Wonderful photos of a wonderful garden. Love to visit again if/when it’s safe again. Happy New Year to both you and Mary.

    On Sat 9 Jan 2021 at 09:33, Paddy Tobin, An Irish Gardener wrote:

    > Paddy Tobin posted: ” Waterford, southeast Ireland, 9th. January 2021 It > is that time of year when we look backward with fondness and forward in > hope and, when the garden is presently bare, it is encouraging to view > again the days when it was full and lush, when the sun sh” >

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hopefully, we’ll be able to get out again, Mary. We really missed our days out this year – one of the very few things we have misses, that and grandchildren. Happy New Year, Mary and we look forward to meeting again.


    1. No, not on any garden tour and no desire to ever be on one. Yes, a bridge in the background, quite close to the house but, thankfully, not too much of a bother.


  5. Thank you for sharing these lovely images of your impressive garden. It is helpful during winter’s lengthy gray-brown dormancy to remember all that the other seasons hold for us. I was particularly struck by your photos of the gladiolus and brugmansia. Must be drawn to the warm colors this time of year.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I once overheard the Head Gardener, speaking to a visitor, say “he works well under direction”. That’s how it is!


    1. It’s a garden of two parts. There was half and acre or so around the house when we came here in 1987. When the bridge, you see in occasional photographs, was proposed about 20 years we were going to move but didn’t find anywhere we preferred so bought extra ground around the house, roughly an acre. So, the older part of the garden is 33 years old and the newer part 20.

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