Those Gardening Thoughts

The garden is regularly a place of thought; gardening an opportunity for consideration of life, of life's events, of its twists and turns, its ups and downs. My thoughts regularly veer towards the sadder aspects of life but also to the mundane practicalities of thinking of shopping lists, of what needs to be done for … Continue reading Those Gardening Thoughts

A Visit to Bodnant Gardens

A trip to Wales to visit gardens would be hopelessly incomplete without a visit to Bodnant Gardens. Its location, design and planting make it one of the outstanding gardens of Britain and a visit in any season is a great treat.# Bodnant has been in the care of The National Trust since 1949 and are … Continue reading A Visit to Bodnant Gardens

Quite a Contrast at Mount Congreve Gardens.

The gardens at Mount Congreve have the great advantage of proximity; they are only a ten minute drive away and are regularly the choice destination for a walk on those days when the weather mitigates against travelling any distance. So it was yesterday. The forecast for the entire day was poor with consistent rain expected … Continue reading Quite a Contrast at Mount Congreve Gardens.