A Moment’s Pause

It’s peculiar how a times one sees one’s own garden in a different light; notices another aspect which is not regularly striking or not often noted. As I wandered about today with camera in hand with the sole purpose of photographing an iris which had just opened. It was an Iris ensata, one bought a few years ago whose name had escaped me and I wanted an image to help with identification and I did this successfully – Iris ensata ‘Geisha Girl’.

With that “job” out of the way, I went on to photograph another iris and a lily, both flowering today for the first time this season and then I rambled, clicking away randomly and what caught my eye were the trees in the garden. “Goodness, we are here a while” I thought, and those trees we planted as small specimens, some grown from seed even, have now made a good size and are now the backbone of the garden. We planted very few specimen trees, trees to be admired as indviduals, but rather planted to give the garden shape and form, to give it body and bulk, as we began here with no tree at all, and I feel they have done that well.

A view down the garden: every tree in view was planted by us since we came here in the late 1980s
A sort of back-to-back image to that above as it is simply looking up to the top of the garden from approximately the same spot.

Some other views from around the garden today, all featuring trees:

In other news: We were in Normandy for a few days visiting gardens – an escorted tour as we didn’t fancy the driving there – and I will post photographs and comments on the gardens visited as soon as I can get round to doing so. We have been very busy gardening since our return home but I will not be gardening for the next while as I am going to have cataract surgery tomorrow with an enforced period of rest afterwards. I’ll see you soon – and see you far better than I can see you now, I hope – old lens removed and new lens implanted, a new view on life!

Just for a splash of colour:

21 thoughts on “A Moment’s Pause

    1. Many thanks, Angela. One tomorrow and the second in four weeks time. Looking forward to having it done but not to the nuisance of enforced inactivity.


  1. Good luck with surgery tomorrow. I had same done some years ago and it’s wonderful to be free of glasses now. Love all your photos of special plants and garden views. Keep them hem coming.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. It is nice to take time to reflect on all you and Mary have achieved.Fully grown trees from seed magnificent. I hope your surgery goes well enjoy the enforced rest more time to reflect and enjoy your achievements

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Wishing you all the best for your surgery, had both mine done a long time ago now and I can remember the change was amazing, the colours of the flowers so much brighter! Enjoy your enforced rest!

    Liked by 1 person

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